Responding to cybersecurity threats in PNG. The Papua New Guinea Computer Emergency Response Team

What is PNGCERT?

The Papua New Guinea Computer Emergency Response Team (PNGCERT) works to promote awareness, provide advisory assistance, and coordinate responses to cyber-security incidents in PNG.

PNGCERT is established by the Government of Papua New Guinea and is operated under the auspices of the same, centrally facilitated through the national ICT regulator, the National Information and Communication Technology Authority (NICTA).

Team Members

PNGCERT comprises representatives from Government Ministries and Agencies, Universities, Internet Services Providers, Banks, and Mobile Network Operators.

Events Upcoming Events & Dates

International Cyber Security Awareness Month. Every year during the month of October it is the “International Cyber Security Awareness Month.” CERT PNG in unison with all Regional CERTs have joint resources in an effort to execute a regional Cyber Security Awareness Campaign. In the hopes of sharing critical information and guaranteed response to incidents. Using the Pacific Cyber Security Operations Network (PaCSON) platform to facilitate this regional awareness CERT PNG and all other CERTs look to Enforce, Inform, Strengthen, maintain and improve Cyber Smart Practices all over the Pacific. Click Learn More to follow us on our CERT PNG “Cyber Smart Awareness”
International Cyber Security Awareness Month
Upgrade to two-factor authentication
Upsize password
Uphold device privacy
Update device and apps

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